Terms of Use

12myths online store


The www.twelvemyths.com (hereinafter “e-shop”) is the online store created and operated by the company under the name “Sofia Mexi” with d.t. henceforth ” 12myths ” based in Piraeus, Attica, 128 Ypsilantou, Postal Code 18532, VAT number 078886365, and contact information, telephone +302104297267, for the sale of products via the Internet.

The use of the e-shop is governed by the present terms and conditions (hereinafter “Terms”), which users are requested to read carefully and to comply with them each time they visit and use the e-shop. The use of the e-shop presupposes and entails unconditional acceptance of these terms, provided that the user fills in the corresponding acceptance field, in which case the express unconditional acceptance of the user as well as his legal capacity are presumed. The Terms are governed by the provisions of the Greek Legislation, in particular by the provisions on consumer protection, electronic commerce, the protection of personal data, the protection of intellectual and industrial property rights, as they apply from time to time.

12myths is entitled to modify the Terms at any time without warning, but undertakes the obligation to update this text for any modification or addition. Any invalidity of a specific Condition does not invalidate the rest. Any non-exercise by 12myths of its rights arising from the Terms does not imply a waiver of those rights. In the event that the availability of any product of the e-shop is regulated by more specific terms of use, these terms are considered as a whole with these Terms. However, in the event of a conflict, the specific terms of use of each product prevail.

Limitation of Liability – Information & Products Provided

12myths makes every effort to ensure the completeness and validity of the information listed on the e-shop websites, both in terms of the display of the essential technical characteristics of the products available, and in the accuracy of the information regarding the services provided by its online store subject to any technical or typographical or other errors that have occurred unintentionally. The availability of the products as shown in the e-shop may, for technical reasons, not correspond to the actual availability of the products. 12myths undertakes in any case to inform the user in time if his order includes unavailable products.

12myths makes every effort to deliver the ordered products to the user within the time limits stated in the Terms, however reserves the right for any delays due to unforeseen events or reasons of force majeure.

The e-shop website is provided “as is”, likewise the information, names, photos, graphics, marks, illustrations, product descriptions and the general content (hereinafter “Content”) posted on it. In no case is twelve 12 myths responsible for any damage, positive or negative, direct or indirect (such as indicative loss of profits, data, etc.) of third party users, related to the operation or non-operation and/or use of the e-shop, and/or in failure to provide services and/or information available from it and/or from any illegal interventions by third parties on the website, products and/or information available through it. The e-shop, among other things, may provide hyperlinks to third-party websites, who have full control over the content they post on them and therefore full (civil and criminal) responsibility for the security of their websites, the legality and validity of their content and services as well as the responsibility for the restoration of any claim from any infringement of the rights of other persons, such as indicative intellectual and industrial property rights of coke, expressly excluding any responsibility of 12myths for the content of these websites. Users are required to address directly the providers of these websites for any questions or other issues related to visiting and/or using them. Users acknowledge that 12myths is not obliged, nor can it check the security and content of third-party websites and services, to which a link is provided on the e-shop website. In any case, 12myths reserves the right to remove at any time, at its discretion, links to third-party websites from the e-shop website and to interrupt the availability of these services.

Availability – Automatic Logout

12myths makes every effort for the smooth operation of the e-shop and the best service to users, without being responsible for any inability of users to gain access to it or to proceed with the execution of individual operational commands, as the functionality of the e-shop may be affected by users’ equipment (hardware and software), communication networks, large number of simultaneous users, or other causes.

In the event that registered users do not perform any activity for a period of 60 minutes, after logging in to the e-shop, automatic disconnection occurs.

12myths is entitled to modify and/or temporarily or permanently interrupt the whole or part of the e-shop, without warning, or for reasons of maintenance or upgrading or security of the website, or for any other reason it deems necessary, informing users of the duration of the interruption and the way to contact 12myths. In any case, 12myths is obliged to safeguard the security of transactions and to provide timely and appropriate information to users whose orders or returns are in progress.

Although 12myths makes every effort to protect the e-shop from digital viruses, it cannot guarantee that it will never be affected by viruses (virus free). Therefore, each user must take care of his own protection (use of antivirus, virus scanner or other protection systems) before using the e-shop or storing information, software or content thereof on his terminal devices.

Register my 12myths

Transactions in the e-shop are carried out by users not registered in the e-shop, as well as by users registered in the e-shop. Users who have completed the my 12myths registration process in the following way are registered:

  • The user registers his e-mail address as a personal user code (username) and defines the access code (password) he wishes, following the automated process of the e-shop.

The user must use, as an identification code (username) in the e-shop, an e-mail address (e-mail) that belongs to him legally, or for the use of which he has secured the permission of its owner, which is true and under the full and exclusive control thereof. In any case, the user is solely responsible for the e-mail address, which he declares and uses as an identification code (username) on the e-shop website and is obliged to compensate for any damage to 12myths or a third party from the use of an e-mail address in violation of the above. These identification and access codes (username/password) are strictly personal for each user and must not be disclosed to any third party. Users are responsible for all operations carried out with their personal passwords and are obliged to immediately notify 12myths of any unauthorized use that may be carried out with them; otherwise 12myths is not responsible for any damage to the user from the arbitrary or illegal use of personal passwords by third parties. 12myths is entitled at any time to terminate the provision of these services to the user and to refuse any current or future use of the e-shop, in case of violation of the above terms.

12myths reserves the right to ask users for further information to confirm the declared data or any data related to the legal use of the electronic address declared in the e-shop. In case the visitor/user does not take the above actions or 12myths finds that the user is not the legal owner of the e-mail address, 12myths reserves the right to delete him from the e-shop.

After creating the account in the 12myths e-shop, it can be deleted by submitting a request to the 12myths Customer Service, according to the more specific instructions provided in the relevant field.


12myths recognizes the importance of the security of personal data as well as electronic transactions and has taken all the necessary measures, with the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure the maximum possible security. The security of Internet transactions is achieved through the use of a Virgin SSL Certificate.

Orders – Products

Orders and shipments are made within and outside of Greece. Orders are processed within eight business hours (9:00am – 5:00pm) excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

The indicated prices of the products are the final ones (i.e. the corresponding VAT is included). 12myths reserves the right to change prices without prior notice. In any case, the user is charged based on the price indicated in the e-shop at the time of submitting the order. Product offers, which appear from time to time in the e-shop, are valid for the period specified each time and until stocks last.

For security and to provide faster service to the consumer public, the daily amount of transactions per user cannot exceed the amount of five thousand euros (€5,000). 12myths reserves the right to set a maximum order quantity per product.

The user submits his order following the automated process of the e-shop. The process is completed by selecting the button/icon [“COMPLETE PURCHASE”] and displaying an automated message to complete the order and then 12myths will contact the customer via e-mail at the e-mail address stated in the e- shop. From this point it is considered that the sales contract between the customer and 12myths has been concluded.

Modification of the order through the e-shop is not possible after its submission; however 12myths provides the possibility of modification by contacting the e-shop customer service by telephone within two (2) days of its electronic submission.

The user is informed about the progress of his order with informative e-mails and sms at each stage of the processing, or from the “Order tracking” field (https://www.twelvemyths.com/order-tracking/) in the e- shop, by filling in the e-mail he has declared and the order number.

THE 12myths offers the user the possibility of pre-ordering selected products that can be obtained before their official commercial availability and which are not yet available on the market at the time of pre-ordering. The estimated delivery time of the pre-ordered product is displayed on the relevant e-shop website before the pre-order is submitted.

It is expressly clarified that, for pre-ordered products, payment is made exclusively and only through credit and debit cards (see below article 7, par. j) upon completion of the e-shop ordering process. 12myths, for pre-ordered products, reserves the right to inform the user in the event of additional reasons for delay in delivery or even non-final availability of the product and in this case, if the user considers the transaction unprofitable for him, he must inform the 12myths so that she can refund him the price he paid by crediting the card used by the pre-order user. Otherwise, the consumer’s right of withdrawal applies according to Law 2251/1994.

Force majeure

If for reasons of force majeure (e.g. bad weather conditions, strikes) there is an impossibility of delivering the goods within the predetermined time (with the exception of cases of unavailability of the products), 12myths will contact the customer as soon as possible in order to the latter to declare to her if he wishes under these conditions, the completion of the order.


The customer has the right of withdrawal under the terms and conditions provided by the provisions of Law 2251/1994 on consumer protection, i.e. fourteen (14) calendar days from receipt, returning the goods in their original condition, in closed packaging, while the costs return are borne by 12myths. Receipt is considered the day the customer or a third party indicated by him acquired physical possession of the products. In case the customer with the same order bought several products which were delivered separately, the day of receipt is considered the day he received the last product.

The customer does not have the right of withdrawal if he is a legal entity or a natural person who purchases the products for use in the context of commercial, business, craft or independent professional activity. Likewise in the cases of article 3l of Law 2251/94 and in any other case provided for by the law or this in accordance with the law.

The right of withdrawal is exercised by submitting the corresponding withdrawal form found at the end of the Terms, or another document with corresponding content. The declaration of withdrawal is submitted electronically to the address info@twelvemyths.com.

12myths will immediately inform the customer by email of the receipt of the withdrawal statement. In this case, 12myths is obliged to return the amounts paid by the customer (value of the returned product and shipping costs upon receipt) within fourteen (14) calendar days, from the date of submission of the customer’s withdrawal statement. In case of cash on delivery, the amounts paid are paid to a bank account indicated by the customer to 12myths.

In case of payment by credit card, the price is credited to the card used by the user for the transaction, following an order from 12myths to the bank. In case the price was paid in cash, 12myths credits the bank account indicated in the withdrawal statement and/or in the e-shop Customer Service.


12myths may use cookies to identify the user. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the hard drive of each user, they do not recognize any document or file from their computer and are used only to facilitate the user’s access to specific services and for statistical purposes, in order to determine the areas in which services of the e-shop are useful or popular or for marketing reasons. The user can configure his server so that he does not receive cookies, either overall or on a case-by-case basis. In such a case the user cannot have further access to these services.

Intellectual property rights

The e-shop is the official online store of 12myths. The Content of the website is the property of 12myths and/or, as the case may be, the legal beneficiaries of the posted products and services, and the names, images, logos and distinguishing features representing 12myths , the e-shop and/or and the posted products and/or services of third parties which constitute trademarks and/or distinctive features of 12myths and/or third parties contracted with it, their beneficiaries and their use is governed by Greek and EU trademark legislation, for the protection of industrial and intellectual property, on unfair competition and any other relevant. In any case, their appearance and display on the e-shop website should in no way be perceived as a transfer or assignment of a license or right to use them.


Any copying, distribution, transfer, processing, resale, creation of derivative work or misleading the public about the real owner of the Content, the trademarks and therefore distinctive signs included in the e-shop is prohibited. Any reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the Content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes, beyond the use of the e-shop to purchase or inform the user about the products and services available, according to the Terms, is only permitted with the prior written permission of 12myths or the holder of the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

User Obligations

Users accept, agree and agree that they will use the e-shop lawfully and appropriately. Therefore, the users indicatively and not restrictively agree that they will not use the 12 myths online store for:

  1. Publication, sending by e-mail or transmission in other ways of content, which is illegal or contrary to good and business ethics, or is transmitted in a way that harasses third parties or damages the individual and social rights of third parties, is threatening, offensive, libellous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libellous is a violation of privacy, or expresses racial, ethnic or other discrimination.
  2. To cause harm to a minor.
  3. Posting, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting content that users do not have a right to transmit (such as confidential information obtained or disclosed as part of contractual relationships or covered by confidentiality agreements).
  4. Send, post, email or otherwise transmit content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary right of any third party.
  5. Mislead anyone as to the origin of the content of the e-shop, damage in any way the reputation of 12myths or third parties, endanger the security of the 12myths internet, and prevent any user from accessing in the e-shop.
  6. Install and promote, in any way, any type of advertising or unsolicited electronic messages (spam), chain letters, pyramid schemes and any other form of unsolicited content promotion or mail.
  7. Posting, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting material that contains viruses or malware or any other code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or disable the operation of any computer software or hardware.
  8. Harassing third parties in any way.
  9. Collection or storage of personal data.


In any case of use, illegal or contrary to the Terms, users are obliged to compensate 12myths for any positive and consequential damages. Any non-exercise by 12myths of its rights arising from the Terms does not imply a waiver of these rights.


The online store of 12myths periodically sends informative emails, which contain news, information about its products and offers.

The informative e-mails (newsletters) are sent only if the user chooses it and for as long as he wishes. The user can be removed from the list of recipients of the newsletter at any time, through the link in it. Newsletters may be marked by the user’s email service provider as spam and end up in the spam folder. For this reason, it is recommended to save the 12myths shipping address in the user’s safe list.

12myths sends automated informational messages (emails) to the user about the progress of the user’s order, the sending of which is a condition for the correct provision of its services. The user must ensure that they can reach him, keep them throughout his transaction and inform 12myths without delay, contacting Customer Service in case he does not receive them.

Contact – Out of Court Dispute Resolution

For any clarification or any complaint regarding our e-shop products and stores, users can call +302104297267 from 09:00 to 17:00, 7 days a week. For questions and information about orders already placed online, users can contact e-shop Customer Service at +302104297267, daily 09:00-17:00 or via e-mail at info@twelvemyths.com. To resolve any disputes arising from their transactions with the e-shop, users may contact 12myths via e-mail at info@twelvemyths.com, for immediate settlement of these. For customers, natural persons, who do not purchase products and services through the e-shop for use in the context of commercial, business, craft or independent professional activity, the European Commission’s Electronic Dispute Resolution platform located at the web address: https: //webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr. The electronic resolution process is free of cost for the consumer, while the European Consumer Centre of Greece has been designated as the national contact point for Electronic Dispute Resolution. Detailed information on the process is included on the above website.

Applicable – Tax law

These Terms and Conditions of Use and any amendment thereof are governed by Greek Law. For any dispute that may arise from these terms and conditions, the substantive courts of Athens are designated as competent.


Regarding the processing of your personal data through the e-shop, you can be informed by the information text on the Processing of your Personal Data through the Website, which is available under: “Data Protection”.


Download the “Withdrawal Request” by clicking here.