
Born in Greece and we would love to
to take you on a journey to our country and its light.
Where the gods of Olympus chose to live!

Wherever you turn, gods and myths
unfold the most beautiful story
of 12 powerful personalities who gave man
strength, passion, wisdom, wisdom, excellence, purpose.

The twelve myths were created by our willingness to
to attract these personalities with respect,
simplicity, modernity and, of course.
to integrate them into objects of everyday use
and decorative objects that will inspire us!

If one observes their busts,
you will quickly see that they all have almost the same
features, eyes, nose, mouth…
There are differences in their physique and hair.
That was our goal, to make the personality
differentiate the image of each god and not his features.

Ζεῦς, παγκρατὲς αἰεί
Ήρα, Πρωτόθορνος
Ποσειδάον, γαιήοχε
Παλλὰς, γλαυκῶπις
Ἄρτεμιν, ἰοχέαιραν
Απόλλων, παιάν φοίβε
Δήμητρα, σταχυοτρόφος
Ήφαιστος, ἀκάματον πῦ
Ἀφροδίτη, φιλομμειδὴς
Ἄρης, φέρασπις
Ἑστία, πυρὸς ἀενάοιο
Ἑρμεία, Διὸς ἄγγελε

Let’s meet them again!
Welcome to the journey of the Twelve Myths.
We hope it will be long.